iCafeCloud Wiki Database
Here you can find all the guide and help you might need for iCafeCloud.
Installation and login
Installation and login
- Requirements
- Apply for a trial license
- Server installation
- iCafeCloud first run
- Staff shifts
- Reset admin password
- Introduction of iCafeSports
- Install iCafeMenu on HDD
- Use iCafeMenu without local server
- Server connection problem
- Login session timeout
- Login issue
- Uninstall iCafeCloud
- Colorblind filter
- Port forward in Mikrotik router
Client Interface
Client Interface
- Login at client
- Client main board
- iCafeMenu folder
- iCafeMenu taskbar
- Customize Client UI
- Login screen video
- Customize countdown sound
- Terminate or Switch between games
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Clients logs
- iCafeMenu connection issue
- Force update for ICafeMenu
- Remove ICafeMenu
- iCafeMenu auto start issue
- iCafeMenu on Server
- iCafeMenu launch delay
- Run iCafeMenu before desktop
- iCafeMenu fatal error
- Remove file security warning
- Disable Task Manager in client
- Stop bypassing icafemenu client
Computers page
Computers page
- Introduce Computer Page
- Computer page status
- Prepaid session
- Postpaid session
- Add session
- Offer session
- Offers and balance
- Move session
- Free time Session
- Pause all sessions
- Time up notification
- Create PC group
- Add members and guests accounts
- Search members
- Booking a PC
- Online booking system
- Room booking in layout
- Admin mode
- Server Remote Control
- Enter maintenance
- Send message to PC
- Correct paid money or time
- Change multiple PCs
- Cashiers expenses
- PC name for CCbootCloud
- PC name for iCafeCloud only
- Consoles
- Add consoles manually
- Add consoles with Sonoff
- Sonoff BasicR2 Setup
- Sonoff MiniR2 setup
- Consoles on VLAN
- Layout
- Task manager
- PC logs
- X-report for KKM Russia
- Fix error on kkm logs panel
Members page
Members page
- Introduce members page
- Add members group
- Add member group for admins
- Add members
- Update member
- Age restriction
- Reset member password
- Top up balance and coins
- Batch topup and delete
- Refund balance
- Add offer to member
- Loan function
- Add order for member
- Members portal
- Export members to csv
- Add guest accounts
Shop page
Logs page
Games page
Games page
- Enable games
- Game page Setting
- Add local games auto
- Add local games manually
- Import games
- Add Steam games
- Add Uplay games
- Add VKPlay(mailru) games
- Adding games category
- Game server status
- Edit PC groups for games
- Add Windows store apps
- Find games id
- Auto update games
- Install game launchers
- Install Discord
- Clear local hot
- IDC Hot
- Game Fixes
- Create custom mklinks
- Add favorite games to home page
- Game saves
- Hide the unwanted columns
- Report update problem
- Important changes
- Run a game as user
- iCafeCloud connect issues
- Fix for CoD warzone
- Steam library screen gone black
- Fix issues of connection of online games
- How to remove Gameloop
Game event and rank
License pools page
Settings page
Settings page
- == Center settings ==
- Change language
- Set timezone
- == Client settings ==
- Set client idle PC
- Set web log
- Set iCafeMenu fullscreen
- Set Client Theme Color
- Customize center logo
- Turn the game tracker ON or OFF
- Convert to member
- Set alert for the last offer
- Register member at client
- QR topup with Stripe
- QR topup with Paysley
- QR topup with Yoomoney
- == Game settings ==
- == Members settings ==
- Reset game coins
- Reset member points
- New member offer
- Duplicate member information
- == Shop Settings ==
- Allow refund offer used within
- Conquer Online trade
- == Payment settings ==
- Set currency symbol
- Start billing after
- Different payment methods
- Define price buttons
- Prepaid session change option
- Enable Postpaid
- Allow offer session
- Auto loan
- Set tax
- Set Russian taxes
- KKM server hardware
- Shtrih and Atol Cash registers with KKM
- KKM credit card
- Use Znak with KKM
- Steps for installing Atol Printer
- == Loyalty settings ==
- Point system and its usage
- Topup and bonus function
- Use bonus first
- Run commands when member Login or Logout
- Use run command function
- == Protection settings ==
- == API settings ==
- Get parameters format in API
- API limitations
- Get member id by member account via API
- Get CCBoot Client status via API
- Remote reboot CCBoot Client via API
- Server and client installer
- == Employees settings ==
- Edit employees access
- Manager account
- Change admin password
- == Center news settings ==