If you have a multiple computers and have many members at you Cafe, Gaming centers then you have many members to keep track of. iCafeCloud makes is really simple to manage.
Everyday's business is different and creating reports on sales and earning is rather seamless with iCafeCloud. Create daily earning, expenses and member reports. Analyze reports to make decision on things that matter.
Do you have member who play for hours and keep in playing, wanna give them bonus for playing many hours or for spending much? iCafeCloud has discount system based on amount of money top upped as well as time user has played. Giving user more value playing at you place.
Are you tired of keep tracking the time of your consoles manually?
ICafeCloud functions allow you to turn on/off PC's and devices when user sessions are started and finished. Allowing you to focus on making money.
Players can redeem prizes by coins in local. Coins can be collected by their performance in games , you will be able to create your own prizes and decide how much coins worth.