Wiki Home License pools page Create a license pool
Create a license pool
create, license, pool
In order to start creating a license pool you can follow this guide .
- Launchers support in license pool
Epic games
Riot games
Rockstar game
VK play
Windows Apps = Microsoft game (Minecraft, Roblox etc) (Use windows default theme)
- You should select the appropriate game.exe path when enabling a game so the licensing pool lock works properly.
- If the executable file is not selected and the "Run exe" field is empty when using the license pool, the system will not monitor the main process.
- In this case, the license pool will only be unlocked when the main launcher is closed.
- Click the License pools tab on the games page (Figure 1).
Figure 1
- Click the add “+” button (Figure 2).
Figure 2
- Enter the pool name, such as "Fortnite" or “Epic games” Then, select the game or launcher directly and choose the PC group. Finally, click the "Save" button. (Figure 3).
Figure 3
- To allow all client PCs to access the license pool, leave all PC groups unchecked.
- To restrict access to specific PC groups, check the desired PC groups and click Save.
- To restrict access based on Member groups, check the relevant Member groups and click Save.
- When restricted, only PCs from the selected PC groups and selected Member groups will have access to the license pool.