Wiki Home License pools page Create a license pool

Create a license pool

create, license, pool

In order to start creating a license pool you can follow this guide .

  • Launchers support in license pool
    Epic games
    Riot games
    Rockstar game
    VK play
    Windows Apps =
    Microsoft game (Minecraft, Roblox etc) (Use windows default theme)


  1. You should select the appropriate game.exe path when enabling a game so the licensing pool lock works properly.
  2. If the executable file is not selected and the "Run exe" field is empty when using the license pool, the system will not monitor the main process.
  3. In this case, the license pool will only be unlocked when the main launcher is closed.
  4. Click the License pools tab on the games page (Figure 1).

Figure 1

  1. Click the add “+” button (Figure 2).

Figure 2

  1. Enter the pool name, such as "Fortnite" or “Epic games” Then, select the game or launcher directly and choose the PC group. Finally, click the "Save" button. (Figure 3).

Figure 3

  1. To allow all client PCs to access the license pool, leave all PC groups unchecked.
  2. To restrict access to specific PC groups, check the desired PC groups and click Save.
  3. To restrict access based on Member groups, check the relevant Member groups and click Save.
  4. When restricted, only PCs from the selected PC groups and selected Member groups will have access to the license pool.
