Wiki Home Reports page Products report
Products report
product, reports
The following explains how to check the report data of products.
- At the products reports you will find details of product:
- Name: Shows the product name
- Stock: Shows the remaining items left
- Price: The product price set at the time of sale (average price if the center changed the price midway).
- Cost: The product cost (also averaged if changed).
- Sales Items: Total sold items minus refunds.
- Sales Amount: (Total sold amount after discounts + tax) minus refunds.
- Sales items(Coin)
- Sales amount(Coin)
- Sales Tax: Paid tax minus refunded tax
- Profit amount: Sales amount − sales tax − (cost × items).
- Refund items (Figure 1)
Figure 1
- You can sort each column by clicking on its title. (Figure 2).
Figure 2