Wiki Home Settings page Set timezone

Set timezone


The following explains how to correctly use the time zone and the potential issues you may encounter if the time zone is set incorrectly.

  1. Navigate to the Settings page and go to Center Settings. Select the appropriate time zone for your country and click Save to apply the changes. (Figure 1).

Figure 1

  1. Ensure that the local PC time is always up-to-date to stay in sync with the iCafeCloud time and date. If they are not synchronized, the iCafeMenu (client side) may fail to open or may not display time data correctly. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

  1. Additionally, the server's time zone should be set to the 24-hour format. To change this, open Settings (press Win + I), go to Time & Language, and click on Region. Under Related Settings, click Change Data Formats, and adjust both the Short Time and Long Time to the 24-hour format. (Figure 3)

Figure 3