Wiki Home Settings page == Center settings ==

== Center settings ==

general, settings

For a brief explanation of each center settings option, refer to the guide below.

  1. Go to the settings page (Figure 1).

Figure 1

  1. After that, you can see the settings as below.

  • Center settings
  1. Language : Language can be chosen or changed as per your need like English, Russian etc.
    The UI needs to be closed and reopened in order for the changes in language to take effect.
  2. Time zone : Time zone according to the location of the center.
  3. Billing service : If the billing service is enabled, a customer will need members or guest accounts to login at the client.
  4. CCDisk mode: if enabled the system works as CCBoot. If disable the system works as CCDisk so only game drive in client side not image
  5. Home mode: Enable works as Home mode.
  6. Google drive : Bind and unbind google drive.


  • Loyalty settings
  1. Points function : Points function is enabled for allowing the members to earn points and upgrade their group type.
  2. Top up bonus : set bonus for the topup amount.
