Wiki Home Members page Add members group
Add members group
add, member, group
The following explains how member accounts at your center can be categorized on iCafeCloud. Member groups can only be created by the admin. Once new member groups are created, you can assign specific prices or offers tailored to each group, providing a customized experience for your members.
Follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Members section and click the Member Group button. (Figure 1).
Figure 1
- Click the “Add” button (Figure 2).
Figure 2
- On the Member Group panel, you can add the following details:
Group Name: Set the name for the member group.
Min Points: Defines the minimum points required for automatic group changes, based on the points function.
Product Discount: Allows the group to apply a discount to all members within the group.
Offer Discount: Enables discounts on offers for all members in the group.
PC Time Discount: Applies a discount to PC time for all members in the group.
Group Description: Add any description to provide context or information about the group.
Group Picture: Customize the group's visual by changing the group picture.(Figure 3).
Figure 3
- Once the member group is created, it will be listed.
- Setting a 100% discount on PC time Discount allows sessions to run for free, even if the account has no balance.
- If the Points function is enabled, you cannot manually change a member's group by selecting a different one. Instead, you can add points to the member, and the group will automatically change based on the points (this feature is available to admins only).