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Install Discord

install, discord, update

To ensure that Discord installs and updates seamlessly in iCafeCloud without encountering path issues after each update, you need to add specific parameters.

  1. Install Discord on the default path, for example C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Discord
  2. Enable Game fix for discord
  3. The Gamefix folder is located on the Gamedisk drive, where you'll also find Discord
  4. Access the iCafeCloud Control Panel and navigate to the Games tab.
  5. Search for Discord from the panel and click Enable
  6. A window will pop up displaying all the information about Discord.
  7. You can find the installation path at Gamedisk - Gamefixes, for example: D:\GameFixes\Discord\LocalAppData.
  8. Select update.exe as the executable and use --processStart Discord.exe as the parameters. (Figure 1)

Figure 1

  1. Once you've confirmed that the path matches your local installation, you can click "Save."
