Wiki Home Settings page == Center news settings ==

== Center news settings ==

QR, video, news

Any news can be added to iCafeCloud to be shown on the client side.

 Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings page > Center News and click the “+” add button (Figure 1).

Figure 1

  1. Enter the news details like :
    Please provide the following details for your news entry:

  • News Name: Enter the title or name of the news article.
  • Order (Time in Seconds): Specify the time duration, in seconds, before the news automatically transitions to another article.
  • URL (News Link): Input the URL or link to the news article you want to display.
  • QR Code (Optional): Check this box if you want to enable a QR code for this news entry.
  • Picture 500x260 pixels: If you wish to include an image for the client side, you can upload a picture.
  • You can use JPEG or PNG
    Background Transparency: Customers can create news images with transparent backgrounds.
    High-Quality Images: PNG format supports high-quality images, ensuring that customers can produce crisp and clear news pictures. Up to 1MB
  • Click the "OK" button (refer to Figure 2) to confirm and save your news entry.

  1. By providing these details, you can easily configure and display your news articles with optional QR codes and images as needed.

Figure 2

  1. Now if you want the news to be displayed as a video , hit check on video check box and paste the url of the video you want from Youtube(Figure 3)

Figure 3

  1. To use a video from your local storage, you need to use .webm files. Copy the video file to the apps/icafemenu/html folder and rename it with a generic name like "1.webm" so you can add it on Cafe news Video.(Figure 4)

Figure 4

  1. Click the “Refresh” button on the iCafeCloud server application to apply changes to the client side, and after a reboot, you will be able to see the news.
  2. The user may navigate forward and backward using the arrows after the client PC has been restarted and can view all of the news thumbnails auto-switch; loop (5 seconds for each one) The link will open if the picture is clicked.(Figure 5).

Figure 5

  1. If the video check box is checked , the news will be displayed as a video from the client side (Figure 6)

Figure 6
