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Offers and balance

offer, balance, members

how member accounts prioritize balances, offers, and bonuses for covering costs based on their availability and validity periods.

  1. For member accounts that have only a balance, the balance will be used to cover costs according to the applicable pricing structure.
  2. For member accounts that have only an offer, the offer will be applied without any special requirements. This offer is valid all week and at any time.
  3. For member accounts that have both a balance and an offer, the offer will be applied first. Once the offer period ends, the account will automatically switch to using the balance to cover costs.
  4. For member accounts that have both a balance and a bonus, the balance will be applied first. Once the balance is depleted, the account will switch to using the bonus amount to cover costs.
  5. For member accounts that have both an bonus and offer (with time valid times) , the offer will be applied first. For example, if an offer is valid from 00:00 to 18:05 and a member buys this offer at 18:00 and also tops up some bonus, the member session will start with the offer. Once the time passes 18:05 (e.g at 18:06), the account will switch from using the offer to using the bonus to cover costs.
  6. If a member's offer valid time has not started yet and the member account has a bonus, the bonus will be used until the offer starts. Additionally, if there is a gap between the valid times of different offers, the bonus will be used during that period as well.