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Shared license pool

license, pool, shared, subcenter

In recent updates for iCafeCloud we have added a function to allow sub centers to access the license pool from the main cafe.

  1. Licenses added to the “License Pool” page in the main cafe (Figure 1).

Figure 1

  1. The licenses in the main cafe are accessible on the sub cafe when clicking the “Play with free license” button as shown below (Figure 2).

Figure 2

  1. If you have added any licenses in the “License pool” in the sub cafe, those licenses are only accessible to that sub cafe (Figure 3).

Figure 3

  1. The licenses added to the subcafe’s are not available to the main cafe or other sub cafes (Figure 4)

Figure 4


  • If you have sub-center, then always add the accounts for the games in the license pool of the main “cafe. So that the accounts are available in all sub-cafes.
  • Subcenter work in games that enabled from iCafeCloud, and not added manually. And it should have the same Game ID on iCafecloud (Figure 5).

Figure 5

  • Licenses added to sub cafes are not available to other sub cafes or the main cafe.