Wiki Home Settings page SMS provider settings
SMS provider settings
sms, provider, settings, verification
The following explains which SMS provider to use and how to configure it for proper functionality.
- On the Settings page, navigate to Settings and then to SMS Provider Settings.(Figure 1)
Figure 1
- On the SMS verification code change it to YES and then you can select a sms provider name as SMSaero, Twilion or add a custom URL link(Figure 2)
Figure 2
- For the SMS Aero provider, you need to create an account at Once logged in, navigate to the settings on their platform to find your email address, which you will then input into the SMS Account field. (Figure 3)
Figure 3
- In Settings, navigate to API and SMPP. Generate an API code if one doesn’t already exist, and then add the generated API code to the SMS Key field in the admin panel of iCafeCloud. (Figure 4)
Figure 4
Client interface
- In the client interface of iCafeMenu, at the member registration page, you will find a Phone field and a Code field. Enter the correct phone number and click GET CODE. A verification code will be sent to your mobile phone via SMS. Input the code into the designated field, complete all the required member details, and confirm the creation. The registration will then be successful. (Figure 5 & 6)
Figure 5
Figure 6