Wiki Home Computers page PC name for CCbootCloud

PC name for CCbootCloud

Pc, Name, rename

In the Boot panel if you are using CCbootCloud, customization can be done following specific steps provided.

  • In the Computers page of iCafeCloud, each PC is identified by its unique name, listed in Column A. The assigned name is automatically derived from the Windows name of the PC or the chosen name in Boot panel. However, if you wish to customize or modify the PC name, you can do so by following these steps:

  • To change PC name in CCBootcloud

  1. Access the Boot Menu:
    Navigate to the Boot Menu and select the PC for which you want to change the name.
  2. Open Options Tab:
    Right-click on the selected PC to open the options tab.
  3. Navigate to Edit:
    Click on "Edit," and a new settings page will pop up.
  4. Modify the Name:
    Locate the "Name" field on the settings page.
    Once changed the current name to your preferred new name in boot page it will auto change in PC page also. (Figure 1)

Figure 1

  1. Delete PC from Computer Tab:
    Remove the PC from the Computer tab in iCafeCloud.
  2. Reboot the Client PC:
    Reboot the client PC to apply the changes.
  3. Automatic Connection to iCafeCloud:
    Once the PC has rebooted, it will automatically connect to iCafeCloud, displaying the new name.
  4. The Change of Name and IP works based on the rules below
    If the PC name is changed on the boot page, then will auto change the PC name on the PC page with the corresponding IP address.

If the IP address is changed on the boot page,  then will auto change the IP address on the PC page with the corresponding PC name.
