Wiki Home Reports page PC spend report

PC spend report

reports, pc, spend

The following explains how to check which PCs have the most usage time or the highest spend amount within a selected date range.

  1. Navigate to the reports page and click PCs (Figure 1)

Figure 1

  1. In the PC Reports, you will find the PC Name, spend amount, and spend time. By default, the list is sorted by most spent time. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

  1. You can also change the sorting order by clicking on the column headers.
  • Clicking "Spend Amount" will sort the list from highest to lowest.
  • Clicking it a second time will sort it from lowest to highest.(Figure 3)

Figure 3

  1. When you are on the PC tab, you can download the PC Spend list as a CSV file by clicking the Download button next to it.(Figure 4)

Figure 4
